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Marnie Best


My name is Marnie and this is my horse Magnum!


I happened upon this drill team in late 2004 never intending to join the team but only to help get my daughter and her horse to the practices. However, just standing by as a spectator wasn’t enough and soon with a little “spurring” from Tanya and a few others, I found myself matched up with a wonderful Quarter Horse/Arab X.


Magnum has been terrific for me! Along with the ever so available encouragement from the teammates, together Magnum and I have become somewhat addicted to Drill. The girls on the team have been great and we all share a closeness that carries on outside of team activities which provides a real social network. Not only do we practice year round together, we ride, rodeo, camp, and party together!


Being part of West Coast Thunder is not just being part of a drill team, it’s a lifestyle! And a fun one it is! Come and see for yourself. Visit us at the next rodeo, we’ll be the ones Hoot'n and Holler'n and letting the Thunder roll!

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